“To see a World in a grain of sand and a Heaven in a Wild Flower, Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand and eternity in an hour.
Body - Mind - Spirit
People - Plants - Planets
Aromaologist - Herbalist - Medical Astrologer
Holistic medicine is a form of healing that considers the whole person -- body, mind, spirit, and emotions -- in the quest for optimal health and wellness. According to the holistic medicine philosophy, one can achieve optimal health -- the primary goal of holistic medicine practice -- by gaining proper balance in life.
Holistic medicine practitioners believe that the whole person is made up of interdependent parts and if one part is not working properly, all the other parts will be affected. In this way, if people have imbalances (physical, emotional, or spiritual) in their lives, it can negatively affect their overall health.
““Neuroscience explains that experiences along the spectrum from fear to tranquility create chemical responses in the human brain. Some responses take longer to subside than others, leaving a residual chemical imbalance in our system. We may feel “off”, uncomfortable, or not sick but not quite well, and attribute it to a passing mood. Over time, we may become accustomed to feeling uncomfortable and absorb the feeling into our concept of what is normal for us, thereby accepting the burden of our physical imbalance.”
Raising Consciousness - In the lower left corner, of this painting, we see beings out of balance. They're turning to stone, the color of the ground around them, burdened by the weight of their discomfort. Their world is of barren rock (the inability or lack of desire to change) and toxic air (a mindset of hopelessness). The central figure, the Healer, is reaching out to help them from the lotus flower upon which it sits (a vantage point of compassion). The Healer single mindedly seeks the truth (green eye) of suffering and holds what it learns in an open heart. The blue arms of this being tell us that a higher consciousness is acting through it. Floating on a cloud above the sea of emotions, the Healer is without attachment to the material outcome of these acts. In this state, the Healer becomes a conduit through which suffering is transcended, freeing beings to explore their own limitless potential.
Roe LiBretto's work is held in private collections in the United States and Europe and can be seen in person in galleries in Albuquerque New Mexico and Lenox Massachusetts.
Don’t Sexualize our craft…
Let’s stand together, as massage therapists, to fight against sexual solicitations. Let’s put an end to the uncomfortable texts, phone calls, and office visits. Let’s create transparency in our profession and make it abundantly clear that we are not sex workers.
Windows & Meridian-based acupressure
Windows to the Sky are Acupuncture points, which have been used for centuries to help people move into meditation-like, altered states of consciousness. These points are stimulated with gentle finger pressure and may be accompanied with essential oils, flower essences or crystals to intensify their effectiveness.
Vibrational resonance
Vibrational Sound Healing is modeled on the Acutonics® system developed at the Acutonics Institute of Integrative Medicine in New Mexico, USA. Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine practices developed over the past four millennia, sound is applied to acupuncture points and meridians with precision-calibrated tuning forks. The Acutonics tuning forks are designed to produce specific frequencies and musical intervals that create predictable and repeatable therapeutic effects. For example, case studies have shown that Acutonics forks tuned in unison and applied along the spine help alleviate back pain, and the musical interval known as the perfect fifth can help resolve deep emotional issues.
The Ancient Chinese Medical practitioners observed the Five Elements in Nature, and saw their reflections in the physiology of man. They named the five qualities of energy; Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water. Each Element was observed to predominate a different season. Yin/Yang theory was developed by observing the polar opposites that exist in Nature (night and day, cold and hot, Water and Fire, rest and activity). These naturally occurring opposites have an effect on human physiology, pathology, and wellness.
located inside of
Aligned Alchemy 2441 San Pedro Dr. NE
(San Pedro & Prospect)
Rekonnected Hours
Monday: 9am - 7pm
Tuesday: 9am - 7pm
Wednesday: 9am - 7pm
Friday: 9am - 5pm